Drinking alcohol can impact your finances during your college experience. Even if you don’t feel like alcohol is costing that much, it is important for you to realize how direct and/or indirect costs of alcohol may play into your finances.
Especially if you are going out to clubs and bars, there is a price tag for every version of a night out. Some of these expenses include transportation costs like your Lyft/Uber to and from the bar. Drinks and food costs might include dinner, a late-night meal, and even food for the morning after if you lack the energy to make breakfast. Over time these purchases may consume your bank account and impact your financial goals. It is important to stay in control of your finances and set a realistic budget.
For a list of average Atlanta expenses associated with a night out see below(1):
- Average cost of a late night fast food combo - $7
- Average Uber/Lyft cost (5 miles) - $12-$20
- Average cost of one cocktail - $14
- Average cost of one beer - $6
- Average cup of coffee - $6
(1)Source: expatistan.com/cost-of-living/atlanta